Camera Tracking

Hey I’ve been using blender for several years now, but I’ve never been able to get the camera tracking working properly. I have a scene set up with at least 9 markers but my solve error is like 25, which is completely useless. I don’t know why this is because none of the markers seem to be slipping. I thought someone with more experience in this subject could tell me whats wrong with my setup.

Attached Files,

tracktrack.blend (1010 KB)



A couple of things. You have Keyframes set to 1 and 30, but there’s no parallax at those frames. The camera barely moves. Choose frames where there is the most parallax. like near the end of the vid.
And the parallax you do have isn’t much. At the beginning of the vid, move the camera the full width of the wood box, then film whatever you wanted to do after that. You can always edit out that first part, but you need it to get proper parallax for tracking.

Steve S

Ok, I tried changing the key frames but it didn’t have much effect. I’ll retake the clip with additional set markers. Hopefully that fix it.

Thanks for the help

At the end of the day just render it and see how it looks! I too have had bad solves, but onced rendered look good

A couple of more things to add. It usually helps to convert movie files into a PNG sequence for use in the Movie Clip editor. Also, there looks like some barrel distortion. You can see it near the end of the vid. The board that runs along the bottom of the frame has quite a bit of curvature to it. This is caused by shooting at too wide of an angle. Perhaps refilm it at a higher focal length.
You could probably add a few more markers. Those outlets on the wall should be easy to track, and some of those knots in the board along the front edge could be tracked.

Steve S