Problem with water simulation

I am pretty new at Blender and 3D-modeling in general, and I have an annoying problem with a water simulation…

I figured out how to change the direction of the normals, so that “Backface culling” doesn’t show any invisible faces. But when I add a box and choose “domain”, it makes the water come out from the side of the glass, that it was in.

I don’t know what I am doing wrong, and I hope that you guys are able to help me.

I am using version 2.72, and I have attached the blender-file.


Water_glass_2.blend (616 KB)

First thing you should do is for each object use Ctrl+A / Scale to apply their scale. You want its scale on each axis to be 1

But when I add a box and choose “domain”, it makes the water come out from the side of the glass, that it was in.
Your scene does not have a fluid domain object, only a fluid. When you add a domain the fluid will flow through the glass because it is not set to be a fluid obstacle.

Note that rigid bodies and fluid sims do not interact with each other so you will not see the cube fall into a glass of fluid and react like it would in the real world. You will need to keyframe the cubes motion to move into the fluid.

Thank you for your help, Richard!

I also had a little help from another guy, but I still can’t get the fluid to react (splash) when the ice cube is dropped.
I have baked everything to keyframe and removed the physics from both the ice cube and the cup, but still nothing happens.

I am really eager to finish this animation soon.

Is the cube not interacting with the water at all? did you set the ice cube object as an Obstacle and enable Export Animated Mesh? Also set the ice cube’s Volume Initialization to Both.

I think splashiness will be setting the “impact” higher in your obstactle’s physics tab AND increasing “generate” in your domain’s physics tab

Hi Sandra and Richard!
I finally got it to work.

Thanks for your help :slight_smile: