Blender Compositing - High - Pass Filter

This custom nodegroup allows you to easily and quickly create a highpass filter.

By using this generated highpass image you are able to sharpen a defined input image within the node as well.

| Control the Highpass strength with ‘Highpass Amount’
| -> Output | Highpass Only |
| To sharpen the input image with this generated Highpass use the | Overlay Sharpen value
| -> Will just be visible through the Overlay Sharpen - Output |
| IMPORTANT: If you scale your input image down/up, remember to d so | with it´s Alpha, too.

DOWNLOAD ‘Highpass_Filter.blend’:
1 Like

A great Thanks @Keniminus, It’s a very good idea!
I’m sure to use it!
Have a nice day.

Thank you Spirou4D :wink:

Thank you for sharing this.
I went back in time and saw a lot of questions around the same month and year (2014) about this subject. Probably you found the best solution.
It is specially useful “high pass amount and overlay sharpen”. It’s just outstanding.

But the LINK IS BROKEN in 2023. Is there another link for this, please?