Gap showing in wire frame but object appears solid. What am I doing wrong?

There is a gap showing when I view the object in wire frame mode. But it appears to be solid. What am I doing wrong? I did attempt to select all faces and remove duplicates. I’ve also tried to fill that space, which ended up looking like a mess.

Here is the .blend file.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Alt-H in edit mode!

Ok. Just tried it. And when I go to edit mode, the missing vertices show up. Hitting Alt+H did not seem to have any effect once I go back into object mode. The lines are still missing.

Thank you though.

That’s just the way it is sometimes…

Let me guess: You have either…
a) a subsurf modifier on that mesh with subsurf level set to 0 or
b) subsurf modifier set to “Optimal Display”?

As long as those polygons are there in Edit mode and are visible in solid viewport mode there’s not much to worry about?

I do have a subsurf modified with the display level set to 0. I see. Setting it to 1 fixed the issue. So it was really a non-issue. Thank you for your help.

In object properties under Display enable ‘Draw All Edges’