Need help with my camera tracking setup

I’m not sure where to put this question, as I’m a newbie here, but I have a big problem with camera tracking and I need it fast

It looks normal, solve error below 1, and I can put the box at the proper place. Now, when I move the timeline to frame 168, this happens:

The box moves. But I want the box to stay in place. I disable/enable object solver on the box, but it is not useful. The camera is already locked to camera solver object constraint

I’m using blender 2.72b on Linux

i assume you must have one or more bad keys. check the graph or scrub through the frames looking for markers or marker that loses it’s way.

…Or you simply might not have enough markers. When you click “Solve”, you’ll be getting a warning “Some data failed to reconstruct” if that’s the case.