View Dependent Scaling


is there some way to scale a group of vertices depending on the orthogonal view you are using?
if i’m in left ortho i’d like to scale in y/z only for example (without hitting wild combos of hotkeys but instead by using the transform manipulator preferrably).

cheers christian

In 3d view tab go to transform orientation tab and choose option view. This way you’ll have your axis set according to your point of view. I’m not sure why are you asking this since global transform orientation is very suitable for scaling in ortho views hence there is no need for changing it to view orientation. Perhaps you were thinking about perspective view and not orthogonal, right?

the problem is that in ortho view things get scaled along all 3 axes unless i lock a certain axis.
i’d like to use the 3d manipulator in ortho view 2 scale only along 2 axes

if you press Shift+Z twice, the scale will change the lock the Z axis from the world Z axis to the view Z axis (which is perpidencular to the view plane).

“without hitting wild combos of hotkeys”

  • get ready your scaling gizmo and press Shift while mouse drag that 3rd axis you do NOT want scaling happen.
    In my humble opinion Shift can’t be considered “wild combo”… Then again, you do not need to be in certain orthogonal view for this to work.
    Dunno if this fits your scenario.

@ eppo

i use that technique in 3d views … the problem is that it doesn’t work in orthogonal views since the perpendicular axis arrow from the manipulator is not visible in orthogonal views

You do not directly say you want to be in Ortho view and do scaling - and i did mention “if this fits”.

Well, since there is not one but two axis then i doubt mouse would work as is - you could explore if there is a possibility to use one key to lock remaining two and use that in combination with mouse drag. Some scripting, could be.