UV map , all faces use whole texture, Good / Bad ?

is this a good practice? it seems to allow more detail per uv sheet,

are there drawbacks I don’t understand?


NotNormalNormalMapping.blend (968 KB)

Yep, when you’re not dealing with cubes.

For every face that is the same in your model you can use the same UV co-ordinates, except if you want to bake a light map, but even then you can have a second UV layer. If you model is a cube and has six identical faces, yes you can use a single square UV map. The same goes for x mirroring of UV layouts, if 50% of your model is the same as the other 50%, then just mirror the UV map. If you want irregular details on things like camouflage cloth then again you can use a second UV layer for that part of the texture. Of course that only works with GLSL shading.