open gl rendered image does the same as camera viewport

Im trying to render out an animation using open gl render animation/image. As i look through the camera view (pressing 0), the image look orthographic (like i want it). But when i render the image through open gl the image gets skewed so a circle now look like an oval. I am not sure what is going on. Can someone please help?

Rendered Camera

Are you looking through the camera when you press the render open GL button? Otherwise you just get a viewport rendering.

Also, have you bound any cameras to the timeline? They may become active when you press the button to render.

Yes i am looking through the camera. I just tried to key frame my camera so thats not working either. Why is blender so frustrating

I have done both of those things. I rendered the image then played around with the aspect ratio in the UV image editor. Seems like the making aspect ratio is 1:2 when its supposed to be 1:1 works, but leaves an annoying cut off margin on the screen. Ill mess around with the settings

Ensure you haven’t enabled ‘Fields’ in the Render / Post Processing panel.

For further assistance supply a link to your blend file

Thanks Richard, that’s exactly the problem. I unchecked everything works fine now