Locked Track Constraint in BGE?

I want an object in the GE to point to another one, but only by rotating around one axis.



TheTracken.blend (448 KB)

Same .blend using the edit-object -->track-to actuator instead of python.


TheTracken.blend (506 KB)

yeah, but try flipping that over

Not sure what do I have to flip :smiley:

ok, so if you have track to, on a object parented to sonic the hedge hog, and he runs a loop, it goes ‘wonky’ at the top of the loop

the ‘up axis’ has to be a object, in order for the system to work at any angle.

this is the idea behind the tracken.

in wrectified the players walk cycle uses a object tracking another, (it sets stride angle)
when he went upside-down with a loop etc, then his walk cycle scale went negative :frowning:

so, I made the tracken.