Help for an armaure problem!

Hi i want to make a videogame so i am creating something with blender but i have an armature problem.
This is only an alpha but watch:

Also what do you think of my work considering that i am only 15 years old.

I like the look of your character a lot. Nice simple but effective design.

Hard to tell what your rigging issue is from the screenshot. With a mechanical character like this you should be able to just parent each body part to its bone. Maybe the forearm has a multiple parent issue, like it’s parented to the upper arm and the arm bone, so it’s getting transforms from both…

I dunno. If you post your blend file it’s much easier for people to help you out. You can use to upload to if you want.

Good luck!

Thanks hammers the problem was a multiple parent issue and thanks about the things that you think about my creation

Thanks it was a multiple parent issue and thanks about the things that you said of my creations.
Also this is only an alpha