export problem to OBJ - doubled materials with _NONE suffix in .mtl


this is my model in blender with material named as “outer_paint” with 1 img texture.

But this material is doubled in .mtl file. There is no problem with other materials and textures only with this 1. Has anybody any idea why and what the “_NONE” means in this case? Thanks. :frowning:

newmtl outer_paint
Ns 96.078431
Ka 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Kd 0.800000 0.800000 0.000000
Ks 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000
Ni 1.000000
d 1.000000
illum 2
map_Kd textures\outer_paint_solo.png

newmtl outer_paint_NONE
Ns 96.078431
Ka 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Kd 0.800000 0.800000 0.000000
Ks 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000
Ni 1.000000
d 1.000000
illum 2
map_Kd textures\outer_paint_solo.png