Modeling Exercise - Microphone

In this modeling exercise you’ll learn a technique for creating that tricky wire cage at the top of a microphone.

This is a really clever and useful technique that I will surely make use elsewhere!

Instead of adding multiple edges to create sharp edges for the Subsurf modifier on the ring I would have added a crease with Shift-E, which might be something that not everybody in the video target audience knows of.

This is a really great add-on! The only small problem I see with converting primitives with this is that converting any type of sphere will have trouble spots, including the Y-poles of a polysphere. On top of that the too-perfect result fails to capture the realistic wire congestion. I think a perfect compromise would be to still cast a basic grid into a sphere and then use this add-on. Thanks for sharing this!

Is this Celtic Knot AddOn not made for macusers. I have big problem when I try to install the knot.

I solved the problem.

Thank you