Problem taking focus using 3DConnexion SpaceNavigator

I just noticed lately (maybe it is new with version2.72) while toggling between Firefox (watching youtubes) and blender, the Firefox profile got lock even when blender windows are in focus that leads to some weird behaviour like sudden jumps in the 3D View which is very painful and even resarting blender doesn’t always work. I found that the problem comes from the fact that blender main window is the commande window, which is hidden by default. If I go to blender’s “window” menu and click the “Toggle Systam Console” then I am able to get the focus by clicking the command window.

I hope that either 3DConnexion or blender devs could resolve this little annoyance cause the command line windows is dangerous and disgraceful^^.


I’m looking at 3D mice from 3DConnexion and am wondering how you like it. Do you find that it has made you faster and is it easier to use than a regular mouse for 3D?

The issue partly the fault of both Blender and 3Dconnexion. The 3Dconnexion driver has the ability to automatically change profiles between applications, so it is constantly watching for application focus. As you noticed, Blender hides its CLI window by default, and thus can lose and not regain focus. (not sure why its ‘disgraceful’ though)

If you are in Windows and do not use your 3dmouse for any other applications, you can disable the 3dconnexion driver completely. Blender will still see and react to the 3dmouse thought the default Windows HID driver.