SculptGL gets an update

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Multiresolution sculpting (quad/tri), quad remesher, PBR shader, and a new interface.

quad remesher

marching cubes, similar to our remesher. No, thank you.

wow… this is awesome already!!!
would be nice to have brush radius and intensity on a shortcut!

really cool, polypaint, remesh, pbr everything for free

Wouaw it looks absolutely amazing O_o
In the gallerys there are some paintings… can you unwrap and paint with it ?

wow, in the browser! Didn’t know about this one.

the speed is killing me!

Best performance is usually under chrome.

That’s interesting.
Miles ahead blender.
A real multires sculpting tool.
See, like zbrush, it can rebuild subdivisions if the mesh comes from a catmul clark (applied) modifier.
Tried this too,
a 70 k base, nice performance after 2 subdivisions. (1.2M)
Just try 70k in blender, you won’t be able to sculpt after one subdivision, (after two or three maybe, maybe not, possibly not)

marching cubes

Blender is using SurfacetNets (marching cubes is even worse : very thin triangles, etc…).

I wanted something a bit like zbrush dynamesh (quickly add/substract separate objects + easy way to get a uniform poly distribution).
For now, it only merges everything together.
I am a bit disappointed by the speed (especially if it’s meant to be used frequently :D)

A quad remesher, as in zremesher, is another beast.

In the gallerys there are some paintings… can you unwrap and paint with it ?

Nop you can’t unwrap, it’s not really the easiest thing to do :).
I do keep the uv though (even when you subdivide/revert), but it’s pretty much useless.
You can do vertex painting though (that where came from the colors of the gallery)

the speed is killing me!

I am kind of obsessed by the performances.
To get optimal perf, you can disable the wireframe and the flat shading (and use the matcap shader).

Hi, stephomi. I belive that you are the author of this fantastic tool. Great to see you here. Things like realtime pbr, mirrored polypaint or remesh are on a dream list of a lot of blender users. Maybe you would like with some help of blender developers add to blender so that more people could benefit from your work?


Hi, stephomi. I belive that you are the author of this fantastic tool.

if true, great to see you here, congratulations for the wonderful development.

As far we can’t use blender vertexpaint on high density meshes, we can always import them to this application, paint and export in blender as .ply
Not bad at all.
here, how it colorizes a box mapped (cycles) simple texture. Just testing.
I also noticed a significant boost in performance (WebGL) when used a low poly base (manual blender retopo)
I wish we had this tool in blender (replacing the multires - vpaint problematic combo)

Very impressed, while Dyntopo is still faster for me than the sculpt multiresolution tools in this SculptGL ( is the dynamic sculpting of past version dropped entirely ? ), the vertex painting really catched my attention … that amazing vertex painting !

What kind of magic coding trick is this using ? that’s just in my browser , and still i couldn’t believe how much insanely faster vertex painting is there in comparison to how extremely slow it is with the same exact sculpt in Blender.

And that without even mentionning symmetry painting !

Congratulations for this SculptGL !

F- yeah! This was something I have been waiting for. So many more good options and tools. Cheers brop!

Thanks :).

Maybe you would like with some help of blender developers add to blender so that more people could benefit from your work?

Well I don’t think I’d have enough motivation to do stuffs in blender. One side project at a time :D.
That being said, I don’t mind explaining the stuffs that I did in sculptgl.

I’ll try to add the local subdivision soon (but I’ll get rid of the adaptive tool).
As for the vertex painting, it’s rather easy to do, unless I miss somethng in blender.
It’s weird that it’s slow in blender (especially since it should be way faster than sculpting, I guess the codepath in blender is completely different considering sculpting/vpainting)

Yes, different code paths. Sculpting uses PBVH for local updates, vpaint doesn’t AFAIK. Even tools are spread out between Sculpting/Texture painting/VPaint/Weight paint, each with its own set of features. It could really use some consolidation.

Anyways, great updates on the SculptGL, much thanks for making this app available.

I added back the dynamic subdivision/decimation as an option :).