How to store variable value between Python file calls ?

I have Python script file and I call it from Blender. I want some variables remains its values so where to store them ?

Do you mean you want to store values in the blend? Or somehow else, not related to Blender?

For the latter, see

Yes if variables are stored with .blend file then better, ready to use next time when opening file.

You can use custom properties for a scene I guess. Just assign a property and it will appear in the UI. Something like:

bpy.context.scene['example_str'] = 'Some useful data'
bpy.context.scene['example_num'] = 1258
bpy.context.scene['example_list'] = [3,5]

To access a property in the next time:

>>> bpy.context.scene['example_str']
'Some useful data'

>>> bpy.context.scene['example_num']

>>> bpy.context.scene['example_list']
<bpy id property array [2]>

>>> for i in bpy.context.scene['example_list']:
...     print(i)

Either ID properties or global properties (bpy.props)

Thank you.