A good webGL raytrace/water physics

this is the link
i believe that anyone using blender should take a look at it.
i mean, the caustics are good, the physics look god when you turn on gravity, and then drop the ball

but at the end, i just wanted to provide people using blender’s fluid sim to have a good refrence, because blender’s fluid sim, is as people know it, slow, and bad(not horrible, but just bad)

This water simulation is not very accurate. If you slowly drag the ball across the water surface, there’s a spike following the ball - not very realistic. I’m pretty sure that this is a very rough approximation of fluid dynamics. Also the environment is nor very complex(least complex as it can be), as isn’t the object that you’re manipulating. It’s more of a show of what webgl can offer than anything else.

i know what you mean, but none the less, it’s still a good place for referencing water caustics
since it’s dynamic

those caustics are pretty amazing

The water sim is not so great, but the caustics, damn ! How ?! :o

I would love to have this kind of realtime functionality in a 3D software. None that I know of come close in interaction speed. Simply awesome!

I think this is just a 2D wave simulation projected in 3D, like a dispiacement, and the caustics are a derivation of the waves function, nothing so special, or complex. At least i think.