Drop Color - A new faster way to copy colors than the Eyedropper!

I suppose you are accustomed to using the Eyedropper in the color picker to copy colors from one node to another?
Well now in 2.72 you can just click-and-drag any color to copy it to another color input! This is a great time-saver.

You would have found it eventually, but since nobody seems to be buzzing about it yet I am going to spread the colorpickin’ gospel here.

The cursor changes to this icon while drag-dropping:

Life will never be the same. Enjoy!

Guess i’m gonna be a gospel singer too then…

Couldn’t you hover and CTRL C then CTRL V to paste the color in new place too?

Ha! Yes, indeed. I forgot that hover copy/paste works with colors too.
So make that two fast ways to move color data around. Thanks for pointing that out.