Creating many, small, explosions


I’m working on a project that involves many small explosions. To give you an idea of what I’m talking about, I’ve linked a youtube video of an A-10C gun run.

That’s essentially what I’m going after. I believe that I’m starting to get the idea of how it will work for a single explosion itself. I’m planning on using three emitters.

1)Emitter that will throw course particles in the direction of impact.
2)Emitter that will throw particles omnidirectionally at a high rate with a short life to simulate “sparking” of HE rounds
3)Emitter that will effectively throw a smoke simulation to emulate the dust that get’s kicked up.

The problem I’m having is that all the tutorials I can find in regards to smoke simulation only go over one single explosion, not multiple in short sequence. I have discovered how to start and stop smoke simulation on desire frames using cache start and end. But what if I’m trying to have multiple, differently timed smoke simulations that take up the same domain space? I though the domain space is what determines the start and stop times, so how to I assign specific smoke emitters to specific domains?

You’re help is greatly appreciated. My post may be coming across a bit garbled, it’s late and my head’s starting to hurt trying to make this work. Thanks again!

EDIT: Also, I’m wondering if theres a way to get a mesh to stop emitting, but continue the sim, like a puff of smoke rather than a stream.

Sorry, but I really have no idea about your first problem, it’s a trial and error I suppose, you have to try a lot and eventually you will find the solution.
Your second question is on the other hand really simple, what I usually do is animating the smoke “flow” object “flow type” from “smoke” to “outflow”.

Well you simply can increase the size of your domain and duplicate the emitter object lots of time and change the seed value and emitting timing


Thanks for the solutions guys! What I wound up doing was animating the “surface” value in the smoke flow settings. Setting this value to zero causes no smoke to be emitted, setting it to anything above .2 in my experimentation results in emission. The reason I didn’t animate it to outflow was because by doing that you will create a brief blank space in the smoke, which makes an explosion look a bit strange.