Project Photoshop Streaming ?

Link : Project Photoshop Streaming

Copy/paste some words from adobe site :

Project Photoshop Streaming includes:

  • Creative tools: Streaming access to Photoshop with other products coming soon
  • Access from any Windows device with a Chrome browser or from a Chromebook
  • Learning tools: Access to Adobe Education Exchange learning content and an in-app Learning panel called ‘Learn Now’
  • Project Photoshop Streaming Feedback and Forum support

This project seems to avoid piracy ? What do you think ?

the 2d program market will see a sprint in innovation and a bit of needed catch up.

Krita, Ormr, Photoline and a bunch of other tools are nowadays in a golden time of opportunity. :slight_smile:

as long as they don´t copy the streaming and cloud only stuff.

Good point… it’s new for me at this software as Ormr and it has a strange name, but it look like so cool and more features than Photoshop ??

That’s just plain features that are not even near photoshop ones.

After using Ormr for a couple of months:

  • Tends to crash a lot, no recovery tools after the crashes.
  • While it has a pen tool, it’s practically useless compared to Photoshop’s.
  • Quick select tools are not as good as Photoshop’s. They are usable though.
  • I enjoy the ability to edit previously created shapes and other elements at any time in the workflow.
  • UI elements take too much space and are gimmicky in some places with needlesly “cool” animations and/or transitions. UI definitely needs a lot of work still. Not that much customatization available either.

Ormr has tremendous potential but it is not production ready yet. Was it worth the 25 bucks I paid for it? Sure, I don’t mind supporting new software with potential. But other than that, it needs a lot of work.

Thank you for your review, by the way i prefer to keep krita :]

Also if you are on OSX be sure to check out Affinity Designer/Photo, the speed of the development is amazing.

The Designer is more of a Illustrator contender (it has ways to go yet, but its getting there), and the Photo (still under wraps) is supposed to challenge the almighty Photoshop. I dissed the initial effort on these very forums when the first thread popped up, but then I bought it yesterday. The tipping point being my realization that they as a company already have a pedigree I wasn’t aware of in their Win lineup of software and also they are pretty active on the forums discussions with the users. Always a big plus with me.

Serif looks like a fantastic mature vector tool for OS X while iDraw is interesting as well. But the added idea of pixel painting in vectors looks delicious.

I am really curious about how the pixel tools will be when they implement their photo editing module. Pixelmator is nice but lacks here and there.

Affinity looks promising. Poxelmator has a few things which going me crazy like cannot hide tool palettes and extremly slow on highres large images.

Try Photoline - as an image editor it can keep up pace with Photoshop, misses a couple of things, but outpaces Photoshop in a number of other areas.

As a professional photographer I’ve lived in PS for decades and the new crop of PS wannabees is interesting as PS moves to (argh!) subscription only. I’ve also been fiddling with Photoline and find that so far, it’s doing what I want.