Need help with Subdivide surface behaving oddly

Hello, I’m having a small problem with a simple model. I have an uneven amount of vertices as seen in the picture causing subdivision surface to act in a way I didn’t expect, what’s the fastest way to fix a problem like this one? The .blend is included if my description is too poor.


Bottle.blend (996 KB)

  • Edge select mode (ctrl+tab), select edge ring (ctrl+alt+right mouse)
  • select menu -> checker deselect, every 3rd on the operator panel (bottom of the tool shelf or F6)
  • select menu -> edge loops to select vertical loops that will remain
  • hide (H), select one long vertical edge and shift+G -> length, adjust threshold from the operator panel untill all vertical edges are selected
  • X -> edge loops, unhide (alt+H)
  • vertex select mode, select vertex from the neck that has only two connected edges, shift+G -> amount of connected edges. Couldn’t switch to vertex selection mode for the screenshot but the arrow shows where they are
  • X -> dissolve vertices

Edit: except that if you select edge ring from the neck, you don’t need to do 2. step. Silly me.

Was not expecting someone to put this much effort into a response, I’d like to thank you both for answering my question as well as teaching me new blender skills that I can put into practice later.