Balloon Head

Welcome. Below is my last work. Clean box modeling. It took me all of two weeks. In the meantime, my tablet stopped working, and immediately after the laptop was destroyed :frowning: Therefore, texture, and render matariały done on the old machine. Satisfaction levels quite high. There are many things that I would have improved, but it’s time to finish this and get on with the next project.

I hope that this work even a little bring a smile to your face :wink:

Render: blender internal
Textures: photoshop

Here you can find high-resolution render:
Modeling Timelapse Video:
5 hour version: balloon_head_timelapse2x.7z (3,6GB)

made me smile! It´s really cool!

Really good work. Skin shader is very nice :slight_smile:

Hahaha, really good!! nice use of colour

It’s nice that you like it :smiley:
Shader is quite simple. I can show you the settings if you like.
Color balance was in focus in this work. I’m glad someone noticed and appreciated it.
Thanks for your comments :slight_smile:

Great work!

Seriously amazing! The color is just right. Reminds me of the movie Up. Fantastic job!

I’m glad you like it :slight_smile:

Unbelievable that for some people, the graphics are very cheerful, and others see it as a horrifying picture of cut off head. Interpretation of messages flowing from the graphics I leave for you :wink:

And actually I only saw the beginning of the movie UP. So I’m not inspired by the movie. But I can see why people associate the image with the film.

super cool, great work.

thanks! :smiley:

Really like the way it turned out! :smiley: great work!

Could you show the skin shader?

That’s a really nice final!

Box modeled?! Wow, hat’s off. Love the ear. Overall, it’s a really great model considering it wasn’t sculpted.
It’s been ages since I modeled a bust. I prefer sculpting.

Nice model. It’s good to see a model made in the ‘old’ way. Nice materials too.


I love box modeling. A few times I use the grab brush. But such a thing can’t be called sculpturing :stuck_out_tongue: Actually, I recorded the whole process of modeling. There’s a couple of hours, but if someone is interested, I can put together it in some timelapse video.

My skin shader is quite simple. It is much less complicated than in my previous graphics. It is true that I had to improve it in composite mode. But for this project it work quite well.

The final version I render separately head with specular material. Then I added this render in composite. If anything is unclear - ask :eyebrowlift2:

Thank you for your response. I am so happy reading such comments :slight_smile:

Interesting Idea, five star, the render is very nice for me.

Great render, I am not an artistic Man now but I think this is art

Original idea, you make some very good render and look great skin too.

Thanks a lot :smiley: I spent days and nights working on this project :spin:

One question, did you paint the textures by hand, without any textures? Or did you use photo source images and painted them on?