The Suburban Mouse?

There’s this guy in Palo Alto who uses Blender to create these line-drawings of a mouse doing stuff in front of a 70s looking suburban house like watering the grass, mowing the lawn, drinking a beer, etc. He prints them out on an old dot matrix printer. It is pretty banal and silly except that apparently high level tech execs are paying huge bucks for him to fire up the pic and do a mouse pic for them. Why he uses such advanced software for this I don’t know but I guess it must be working for him. I guess he just draws them with pen and paper sometimes also.

I’m in IT and my buddy’s father is a rich guy in the Philippines who wants a mouse and asked me to find out about the artist. I’m drawing a complete blank: there’s nothing on Google or anywhere. I know it is real because one of my firm’s clients is one of those big companies and I saw these things in a couple of execs’ offices framed up like the Mona Lisa. I couldn’t ask anything because these were client meetings and that would have pissed of the lawyers. Does anyone here know anything? It is CG albeit in a kind of way early 80s retro style …

No idea who the artist is. I think you need to ask somebody.

Also, any idea why tech execs like these? They sound a bit stupid to be honest.

I think you just answered your own question…:evilgrin:

Yes. He definitely answered his own question.

Source: Works in the IT industry.