The Maskmaker's Desk

Here’s a project I’ve been working on for a while:

I’m not sure if the composition is that good yet. I had an older version ( that had too much DOF, but I’m not sure which has better composition.
So, what do you all think?

This one is better, the other loses too details, very good wood material. The masks are great.

Thanks! What could I improve upon?

The window need some work, it currently looks like is painted on the wall

It looks verry good! the mask are also nice modelt. I like how you have done some displacement or a normal map on it.

if you look closely to the papers on your desk. the front one is floating a little bit in the sky,
and the one by the mask is in my believe to smooth. If you look at a real piece of paper it would not bend that softly. it would of get a fold in to it. or get a more hard curve. (but that is my perspective)
furter good work!

Oh, yeah, I see that. Thanks!

I think the paper fold is too deep, actually. Paper will bend a little when it lays on stuff, but it won’t crease or shrinkwrap. The paper on the left looks like it’s been wet and dried out, which may be OK because it looks like it’s been laying there forever. Like it’s been sitting there through a lot of work. But a crisp sheet of paper will just bend.

That’s really minor, though, the paper looks fine. The only thing modeling/materials-wise I would work on is the black parts on the inside of the mask are too dark, it looks flat because it’s all one color (black). If it’s a solid mask though it’s OK. But if those are holes in the mask, then lower the contrast or the AO.

What are the masks made of? Something you might want to do is to make one of them in real life and look at the kind of mess you make, and put some of that in to make the desk less clean.

About the composition: the blue space on the wall draws the eye away from the masks a little more than it should. All of the lines in the picture lead to it, so you have to be careful or it will suck the focus away from everything else. The DOF does a good job bringing the focus back onto the mask, but it also makes it easier for the eye to rest on the soft blue shape because the lack of detail makes it less “visually busy” than anything else. So be careful.

So: I suggest moving the camera more deeply into the perspective and down more, to use the paper on the wall as a frame on the top of the picture plane. Also, maybe think about putting a spot of red in the mirror somehow, for the contrast. Something you could do is to copy the scene onto paper, but instead of detail and realism, turn everything into just a colored shape. Then rearrange the shapes until they make you happy.
The composition is mostly good, just the little problem with the blue wall. I love the way the strip of light and the shadows drape over the mask, and the whole idea of the picture. The color scheme is pretty good, I like the way the green window and red-orange wood contrast. the colors are almost triadic, and kinda split-complementary. Oh, and all the materials are flawless! The only thing is that they look really clean, but it won’t be too hard to add some subtle dust to break up the cleanness

Thanks, those are some really useful tips. Unfortunately, it’s midterm season… I’ll try to get an update up soon. Thanks very much!
Oh, and I’m glad the materials are good. I spent a long time on the mask materials especially.