Joining Materials

I was trying to accomplish this task for hours now and i´m not sure i can do this on my own.

On my objects are mostly many materials that were created during the script import process i made.
Every material has one texture slot with it´s UV mapped image assigned.
I want to create a new material for the active object, join all current textureslots from every single material into that newly created material.

Materialslot 1 = Textureslot 1
Materialslot 2 = Textureslot 2
Materialslot 3 = Textureslot 3


Materialslot 1 = Textureslot 1
Materialslot 1 = Textureslot 2
Materialslot 1 = Textureslot 3

I hope someone has any ideas or suggestions. :wink:

here’s a fragment, it doesn’t work, but you can fix it I guess (I currently lack the concentration to get the indices right and stuff)

import bpy

ob = bpy.context.object
me =

mat_target = me.materials[0]
for i, mat in reversed(list(enumerate(me.materials[1:], 1))):
    ts_source = mat_target.texture_slots[0]
    ts = mat.texture_slots.add()
    print(i, mat)
    #for prop in dir(ts_source):
        # Skip a few properties we can't / shouldn't copy
        #if prop.startswith("_") or prop in {'bl_rna','rna_type','name'}:
            #setattr(ts, prop, getattr(ts_source, prop))
        #except TypeError:
    ts.texture = ts_source.texture

You are the man for coding. :slight_smile: I really appreciate the work.