Plugin request for fullbright.

Would someone Please make a plugin for fullbright in blender?

Why blender never got a fullbright option puzzles me greatly.

Yes I know you can go shadeless, but that makes everything look worst than complete crap. :mad:

All you would have to do is evenly distribute lighting objects (that emit light in 360 degrees) throughout the level, hide the lights in the 3d view and object browser, (so they are basically not there except for the light they emit), and give options for:

  • Light color
  • At what distance to stop adding lights. (If your not going to be working more than 200 units away, then there is no need to have lights more than 200 units away)
  • Light level.

I googled “fullbright”, though I couldnt find a program or a concept.

Heres a basic script you can run in the text editor.

import bpy, math

pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
pp = (pi*2)/32          # circle radian increment
rad = 10                # radius
ene = 0.5               # energy
col = (0.5,1.0,0.5)     # color, RGB

for i in range(32):
    bpy.ops.object.lamp_add(type='POINT', location=(math.sin(pp*i)*rad, math.cos(pp*i)*rad, 0))
    xx = bpy.context.active_object = ene = col

I wouldnt make an addon, unless I knew more about what you wanted.

Do you want a circle of lights, or a sphere of lights?
What type of lamp do you want to use, point?
How many lamps do you want, or do you want an option?