array with corners

Is it possible to use the array with corners for example a brick wall.

Use more than 1 array

Yes but then my building animation then does not pass through.

Oh, I think I see what you mean. I think that may be because you didn’t duplicate the original brick with it.
Well, I made a quick fix that uses the Solidify modifier, and then another where I duplicated the original brick along with the array ones.
Maybe one of these methods will work for you.
buildingbricks-quickfix.blend (544 KB)
buildingbricks-quickfix2.blend (537 KB)

Looking pretty good only I want one build animation the first brick must go around the corner then the second row must start.
Now it looks like building two separate walls.

You have Timeline and slots on Build modifier where you enter on which Frame you want build to start. One ends, another starts.
Can get around with nice straight paths and properly tied corner bricks, make door/window gaps and such.

Thanks the building time line works perfect.
It’s a bit of effort, but it works fine.
Let’s build a house happy blending.