[Add-on] Blender Game Engine Material Creator

Information and development of the add-on at: http://rikutogame.dnsd.info/bge_material_creator
Selling add-on at: http://cgcookiemarkets.com/blender/all-products/blender-game-engine-material-creator-bge-mc/


BGE-MC aims at simplifying the blender material creation and workflow by ridding the user of having to manually load all the required textures. The add-on is located in the tools shelf. When choosing to add a new texture, a file path chooser appears and the image is loaded as one of the following texture maps: diffuse, normal, specular, emission, reflection and glow.

The following example illustrates a simple internal mechanic: the user can choose to only select an image for the diffuse map, then only a texture node called “Diffuse” is created with the colour and alpha channels selected.

It automatically names the textures data nodes in the material textures list according to the files that are loaded. It then activates all the properties associated to the loaded types.
Each texture is mapped to UV with FLAT projection.
Materials generated can be used with the blender render engine or the blender game engine.

Possible add-on outcomes:

  • When the material is created, it is added to the global material list of the .blend file.
  • It can add the material to an activated object materials list.
  • Please follow this link to read a more in depth description of the add-on.