my keys list

Duplicate Object - Shift-D
Edges Menu - Ctrl E
Join Objects - Ctrl J
Knife Tool - K
Delete Selection - Ctrl X
Proportional Editing Mode - O
Select Edge Loop - Alt + Rmb
Parent Object- Ctrl P
Add Menu - Shift A
Extrude - E
Fill Face - F
Wireframe Mode - Z
Specials Menu - W
Clear Parent - Alt P
Add Constraint with target - Shift Ctrl C
Properties Menu - N
Tools Menu - T
Brush Selection Tool- C
Box Selection Tool - B
Lasso select - Ctrl RMB
Hide all except selection - Alt B
Select Edge loop - Alt RMB
Toggle Manipulator - Ctrl Space
Transform Around cursor Point - Period Key (.)
Default transform point - Comma (,)
Snap Menu - Shift S
Grab - G
Rotate - R
Scale - S
Stuff to Remember
Duplicate/add objects in object mode.
Always select the parent object last.
Blue means unweighted; Red means fully weighted in weight paint.
S, then X or y or Z, then -1 flips a bone/armature structure. Transform it around the cursor at the base of the model.
S, x or y or y, then 0 to flatten.
You can flip armature names under the armature menu.
Parent relationship lines can be turned off in the properties menu.
You can scale the mesh with a loopcut.
Use Smooth in the specials menu to flatten angles of vertices.

Hope it helps someone.

Just stumbled upon that if after E you press S the extrude goes radially (that is all faces move away from centre of object) I believe same happens with S after G.