Blender Wiki Restyle/Redesign

Hey everybody!

I do Design and Frontend Development and I’ve made a mockup for a possible new Blender Wiki. I tried to match the look from My goal is to create a much simpler Wiki and a more intuitive way to interacting with it. For now I have only created a design for the landing page.

You can give me feedback and if you like it, I would be glad to work further and bring this idea to life. It will be responsive, mobile first (will look great on any screen size) and I will use SVG and font graphics to support high resolution devices (retina displays).

Do you like this design and have you any further ideas?


Work is already underway to change the manual

The linked new versions in that post are great examples of why someone with design experience should be leading the effort to build a better documentation resource for Blender. Sphinx makes it really easy to autogenerate horrible, practically unusable, documentation.

Personally, I find it better to keep the documentation separate from the code for various reasons. It’s hard to read code when there are too many unecessary/inappropriate comments in the way. I believe Python also keeps the code and documentation seperate.

I like the mockup, it looks more like the default site. The design is really well done, crisp and clean.

@@niklasravnsborg +1 on design and effort

@jedfrechette +1 on comment, the new version does not seem to be an improvement?!