Camaro 2012 - first modelling attempt


Iam working on my first model.

Looks brilliant for your first modelling attempt! I’d only check the curvature of the rear wheel arch… and whatever is going on with the wheels.

Thanks for replying,

The wheels seems to be lighting issue, shadows. I will work on rear wheel.

Nice! That is stunning for a first attempt. Some things I notice:
The tire and the rim look a little like they are one piece, which obviously they shouldn’t be. If you just bring the rim forward the slightest bit, and give the tire a little lip where it meets the rim, that will easily be fixed.
The wing mirrors look a little inaccurate in shape, if you are going for 100% accuracy I’d check that out.
Great job so far man :smiley:


Iam finding real hard to adjust tire… i dont why, i probably leave it at current state. Thanks for Replying.

Help -

What is the best way to apply materials. Is there any video tutorials i can refer.


Mate thats awesome ! Could you tell me your techniques or some tips for car modeling ? because I’m reaally bad at it lol

Need advice on materials, areas of improvement

Nice work on your first car! much better than most people’s.
about the materials:
BI? cycles? other? what renderer?
Rims should probably be different than the tires.
A better lighting setup will help us tell about the rest of the materials!

Thanks for replying ctdabomb.

Iam using cycles render - this how far i have gotten so far.

The black materials other than fender and mirror should be of plastic. and other is normal car body material.

I’d suggest finding a more aggressive and exciting angle for your render. You can easily find great tips out there online about car photography. I would spend a bit reading through those, especially for angles and lighting.
Another thing I would suggest is to look at pictures/renders of cars, and find what you do and don’t like, especially camaro pictures. You can even find one you really like, and copy the lighting in it for practice. Finally I would read through some threads on here to see how other people light and shade their cars.
Are you going for a studio or environment render(s)? This will change you lighting method a lot.

I would add something behind the disc brakes, because through the rim you can see the inside of the car and it makes it seem empty. For materials, look up elbrujodelatribu on blendswap, or even on these forums. He does a whole bunch of really good materials, most of which are made with procedural textures, making it a lot easier. Downloading his materials will also help you learn how all the material nodes work and how to make convincing materials, so you can then make your own. He made a procedural leather material that would come in handy for your seats :smiley:

lights, camera, materials ???


Added background