Dyntopo Creature

Calling this bust done. Thought I’d post here as well.
Here’s a Cycles render and a timelapse made of saved files.



There’s some more info in my sketchbook thread.

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Great detail! I also love the timelapse :3

Love this ! Could I ask how did you make the scales ?

BjarkeDuDe | Thanks. Glad you enjoyed the timelapse.
danny10117 | The scales are just a bump map. From the timelapse you can pretty much see what detail is in the sculpt, and what’s on the bump level. There is a frame at the end of the timelapse that shows the bump map on the model. The map was created using 3DCoat and PS. Hacked from a couple of images of reptile skin detail. There’s some more progress shots in my sketchbook if you’re interested.

Will do ! Again this is really fantastic work and I hope to get to your level one day ! Out of curiosity did you retopologise it once you had finished sculpting ? If not how did you texture it without the problem of seems showing ?

How long did it take to retopo it?

allan_james | I didn’t retopo it, that is the actual Dyntopo sculpt.
danny10117 | Thanks again on the compliments. Just keep at it and you’ll get there. To answer your question, here’s a few screenshots of the workflow.


Basically, what I do in situations when I’m texturing/rendering a still of a Dyntopo sculpt, if I don’t really have to retopo, I’ll use the Decimate Modifier to decimate the mesh for easier handling for marking seams. After I unwrap the decimated mesh, I’ll transfer the UVmap from the decimated to the dyntopo mesh. I believe Blender still does not have the tool to do this (maybe I should make a request, see if anyone is up to the task of creating a python addon), in this case I had used Maya. Once the UVz are transfered to the sculpt I used 3DCoat and PS to create the textures from photo images. Seams are fixed in the 3D paint environment.

You can see the Bump Diffuse, and the Vertex Paint (Dirty Vertex Color). I use the VertexPaint to drive the shaders mix.

I’m pretty sure you can do it all in Blender for 3D painting, and Krita or Gimp. It’s just that the painting in Blender is sort of a mess still, quite convoluted. It’s improved a LOT in the latest builds, but still not comprehensive compared to most other painting apps.

really cool and I love the display of workflow

Very nice creature, the animated gif timelapse is very good !

The only uv transfer tool Blender have is in Object Mode in Object -> Make Links -> Transfer UV Maps
But it require same amount of loops/vertices/faces count, limiting its use unfortunately, it would be great to have something more powerful and less limiting.

This is insane, Nice sculpt dude!! Yeh how did you transfer the UV’s in Maya?

shartaz, Thanks. I’m trying to make a case for Dyntopo concept sculpting (forms like this) and staying away from retopo.
Sanctuary, Thanks! Glad you liked the GIF. Also, thanks on the heads up with UV Transfer. I was aware of this though. I believe it also needs the same vertex order. It’s good to have at least that, but I’d really love to see a geo-independent UV transfer tool in Blender.
sircactuscat, Thanks man. To transfer UVz in Maya, go to Polyons Menu, Mesh > Transfer Attributes. For Sample Space settings use: Local.

Great work OrAngE
Love it. My *5
I used similar workaround in the past.
My idea is: subdivide the decimated (unwrapped) mesh and shrinkwrap it to the original dyntopo.

oh my, i think the small detail is sculpted. very great use of bump map :slight_smile:

michalis, Thanks! We might eventually get more robust UV transfer tool in Blender. There’s been work on a Mesh Data Transfer tool. Hopefully some of the data types, like UVz, will be geo/topology independent.

Amir hm, Thanks. Yeah, most of the fine detail is just a bump map.

Thought I’d post a higher rez render of the creature.

Very cool. Your workflow looks quite fast. No retopo. Only decimated.