How to disable middle mouse button but only for one thing


When I navigate around the scene whilst animating, I use middle mouse button to do so.

Thing is, sometimes the middle mouse button also changes what frame I’m on, so my object goes back to it’s original place.

Can I disable middle mouse button only for this, and keep middle mouse doing whatever else it does?

Cheers in advance!


The only way I can see that MMB could change your keyframe is if you were holding alt while scrolling. You could change that shortcut to something more complicated to hit like shift-alt-scroll or something like that. The shortcut is in your user preferences under the Frames section.

Hey K, tried what you said.

It didn’t stop it happening.

Maybe sometimes I’m clicking the MMB and scrolling it as well?

Hey, just gonna bump this.

I move an object, then press the MMB to change view and it changes what frame I’m on, and also erases what i just did (where i moved the object).

Any help: Cheers!


I have tested and the behavior you are describing does not happen. Simply pressing MMB and nothing else does not change the frame. Holding down MMB and scrolling doesn’t change the frame either. To change frames you must either be pressing ALT in addition to MMB or you have changed your shortcuts to something other than the default keymap. If you are not using the default Blender keymap, you need to say so.

OP: Go into your user preferences, then click on the “Input” tab. You will then see two drop down lists, and a search box.

FIRST, tell us if the first drop down-list says “Blender”, “Maya”, “3dsMax”, or something else, so that we know what your default outlay is.

Second, on the second drop-down list directly to the right of the first, change it from “Name” to “Key-binding”. This allows us to search our hotkeys by the KEYPRESS not by the function.

Third, in the search bar to the right of both drop-down lists, search for “Middle”. It will return a list of (presumably) ALL keybindings that involve your middle-mouse click. Find the offending action (it seems to be frame-change or something), and change that hotkey to something you would prefer.

Let us know if that works.

Also, KHorseman. I like your signature. There is a training video by Kent Trammel from Blender Cookie where he REPEATEDLY says “vertice”, but offers a screen overlay with the text “** I KNOW THAT THE SINGULAR OF VERTICES IS VERTEX!” Sometimes we just get so used to saying something incorrectly. I’d bet the mathematics community doesn’t make the error as often as we do because I doubt they are shoveling so many independent points around and more frequently dealing with the functions along which they lie. (NOTE: there is another example. Americans mix up “lie” and “lay” so often that we basically have to look up when to use which, so in common usage, both are accepted). Anyway, I bet in the CGI community, if it isn’t already, “vertice” will become an accepted word. Much the same way that in journalism and, now even the sciences, “data” is becoming acceptable as a singular noun or even a singular adjective, and that only very few fields routinely refer to a “datum” as a data point.

So today…each “vertex” is a “datum” defining the shape of a geometric object…but tomorrow, each “vertice” is “data”.

Also, Sovereign,

I don’t know what level of a Blender user you are, so my apologies if what I say is so simple that it seems patronizing,

BUT: alot of hotkeys and mouse-clicks in Blender are context sensitive. So I often get frustrated when I want something to happen in the 3d viewport, but my mouse is actually hovering a few centimeters off to the side over the Outliner panel and the hotkey either doesn’t work or does something I did not intend.

So, be aware of where you mouse cursor is.

Carry on.

Heh, yeah, vertice has gotten pretty common in tutorials lately. I know people just mix up and say the wrong thing sometimes, but it’s when I start to see people typing that nonexistent word consistently on the forum that it starts to really bother me.

Mouse cursor context is important, though I’ll note here that the shift-MMB shortcut is global; it moves the current frame no matter what window you’re hovering over. Furthermore, neither scrolling over the timeline nor MMB-clicking has any effect on the frame either. To change frames you have to either 1) ALT-scrollwheel, 2) LMB click on the timeline, or 3) left or right arrow.

Cheers K, but no I have not changed the default at all.

Cheers arcarsenal, I did what you said, but I cannot spot the fault.

Any more help will be greatly appreciated as I cannot really move forward with Blender whilst this problem exists.


You did what he said. OK, so what did you change the shortcut to?

K, I followed all the instructions up until that point, as there wasn’t a shortcut that made me think it applied to my problem.

I’ll unquote that last part: “… and change that hotkey to something you would prefer.”

My bad.


Search for “wheel” as a key-binding. The shortcuts you are looking for are Frame Offset, ALT Wheel Down and ALT Wheel Up.

As I have said several times, you must be holding alt for this to happen. The only middle mouse button hotkey relating to frame number is alt-scrollwheel. Either get your finger off the alt button or change the hotkey.

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I turned off the Frame Offset, but it didn’t work.

I think I am pressing the middle button but at an angle, pressing it in and up and the same time.

I am not pressing alt lol

Also, I have just deleted the Frame Offset from the Key-Binding menu, thinking I could just restore it afterwards. Can I restore this to Blender default (the way it was before I messed with it lol)?

Cheers :slight_smile:


I finally figured it out guys!

When I press my middle button, I had been pressing it an angle; in and up.

Convinced that that actually is a separate button (different from just pressing MMB in), I turned on the Screencast Keys, and low and behold, I was right.

Apparantly pressing the MMB in at an angle told Blender that I was pressing “Left Arrow”.

So I changed “Left Arrow” to CTR ALT LEFT ARROW.

Wow. Thanks guys, I can use Blender now lol


That’s an interesting little bugger of a mouse…how annoying must that be to have to be sure you’re clicking you’re middle mouse wheel directly up and down and not slightly at an angle…

Ummm… what is your mouse exactly?


Logitech Laser, I think.

I was asking about the model because some of them do have additional “buttons” on the wheel, i.e. tilting it left or right clicks those “buttons”.

Sounds to me like you have an object with a keyframe and then move it to a new location and mouse around the scene. When the frame changes either intentionally or by accident the object jumps back to the last keyframed location. This is normal operation. When you relocate an object and intend for it to stay in a location on a keyframe make sure to lock that in by inserting a keyframe for it.

No it’s just the one MMB, but obviously it can click in different ways lol

Changing what the the MMB wdid hen pressed at an angle fixed it for me.

Well chuffed lol
