Little Blue Island

Another fantasy world theme art, a stranded island this time. I started this a while back but only until recently I finish this.

Blender 2.71

new version:

Add the Titanic and you have one humorous image. :slight_smile:

I like this. Very well done!!!

the texture that has appeared over the water surface looks beautiful!! how did ya do that?? :slight_smile:

Simple but looking good! I did something similar little time ago for the Wec…how did you managed to do the underwater part?

i like the cartoony style. Great use of colors too
Did you render top and bottom seperate and then composite them together or is that one piece

@roninzero: did you mean the sea foam? if so, then you can actually get that effect by using the ocean modifier, there is an option that let you make it.

Both the upper and bottom section are render in one image, the underwater portion is actually just world background set to deep sea color then add in sun ray (render in BI) and dust (photoshop) and finally post compositing to make it darker towards the bottom

UFO version

Very good work with only one colour: the blue. I like very much this image: the sky, the cartoon style house… But I prefer the first version, the original, without ufo.

how do you make the iceberg colour? (I take it you used cycles)

Very nice colours, good scene composition, congrats !

I know, late reply…
@RoryJMcEwan: I actually got the material setting from other user in the forum (I think the thread is call “Broken Crystals”). Only change a few setting and use image of ice as color

Thanks everyone!

Wow… I can really feel the chill when looking at this picture. Awesome job!

This is awesome! Really well made, especially the UFO one. I like the irony of the telescope searching for life out in space but the UFO is humorous :slight_smile:

oh hahaha! I didn’t realize it until dancreator said it. thats funny! nice render

Glad someone notice the joke, lol.
plus, there is glowing red light inside the cockpit of the UFO…IS ALIVE!!! or not…

Funny… For some reason, when I saw it, I thought that the “telescope” was just a “periscope” in disguise coming from the UFO through the part of the ice we don’t see very clearly into.

Love the irony in this. Definitely great work. Kind of reminds me of the movie ice age haha