Building Blender from Wiki via the SVN guide gives error.

Removed due to lack of interest.

Use the git repository. As far as I know the svn repo is closed and unused.

I don’t see a date on that page and don’t run a mac, so can’t say if it’s 100%, but last I heard the repo was to be migrated fully from svn to git.

Thanks. Any instructions on how to do that?

Here you are:

Cheers, mib

yes, that’s the one I was using that is not relevant any more.
thanks anyway

Hi FloridaJo, the cmake part in wiki is outdated but scons part seams correct.
You can ask on #blendercoders for help, you need error messages, sys info and so forth.
There are some OSX user/maintainer online daytime europe.

Cheers, mib

Okay, thanks.

@mib2berlin - Can you say which part of CMake fails? - It would help us keep docs up to date.

Removed due to lack of interest.

/bin/sh: cmake: command not found

Looks like this is simple case of not having CMake installed?

Removed due to lack of interest.

Removed due to lack of interest.

Removed due to lack of interest.

After indexing files and trying to build for 10.9, build failed due to:
port.h not having tr1/memory

#include <tr1/memory> !‘tr1/memory’ not found

Took out any reference to tr1 in port.h as per
But now get error:

// Hasher for STL pairs. Requires hashers for both members to be defined.
template<typename T>
struct hash<pair<T, T> > {
size_t operator()(const pair<T, T>& p) const {
size_t h1 = hash<T>()(p.first);
size_t h2 = hash<T>()(p.second);
// The decision below is at compile time
return (sizeof(h1) <= sizeof(ceres::internal::uint32)) ?
ceres::internal::Hash32NumWithSeed(h1, h2) :
ceres::internal::Hash64NumWithSeed(h1, h2);

Error: /Users/joelgodin/blender-build/blender/extern/libmv/third_party/ceres/internal/ceres/collections_port.h:176:8: Class template partial specialization of ‘hash’ must originally be declared in namespace ‘__1’