raw image data

I’m creating a little script, that samples data from uv texture. It works great, but it seams, that the system returns linear (?) color data instead of the raw picture data. What’s the trick to get the original RGB values? Thank you!

I use something like this:

ob = bpy.context.active_object
me = ob.data
uv_tex = me.uv_textures.active.data[0]
image_x = uv_tex.image.size[0]
image_y = uv_tex.image.size[1]
image = uv_tex.image.pixels[:]

calculate UV

pixel = (image_x * v) + u
r = image[pixel * 4]
g = image[(pixel * 4) + 1]
b = image[(pixel * 4) + 2]
color = [r,g,b]