How to use Grease Pencil with tracking mask?

Hi, Guys!

I read the “Grease Pencil” wiki in
and still confuse how to use(steps) Grease Pencil with tracking mask.

Hope someone can post some step snapshots or a video tutorial. Please.


The grease pencil allows you to draw shapes of where you want to limit your search areas. For example see attachments:

This is a screen shot of grease pencil draw for tracking inside the masked area.

This is a screen shot of grease pencil draw for tracking outside the masked area.

This is a screen shot of grease pencil draw for tracking a feature only with a mask area.

Oh so its like a constraint. Cool. It would be neat to attach the gp to a large easy to track feature so that it could drift with the movement of the camera.

I think this what you are asking 3PointEdit. When you add a track, click the track button in the GP display on the right. You then can draw your GP mask around the tracker. The GP mask will follow the the tracker. Nothing outside that GP mask will be seen by the tracker.

Yes thats it. Cool, I didn’t realize you could do that.

Neither did I. Learn something new every day.

Here is a better visual of what it is suppose to look like. The GP mask needs to be in the Tracker pattern area. When you do that, you need to select extra options and select use mask. Follow the attached image arrows for clarity.