missing bones in dope sheet

respected master artists…

I’m facing a problem with my rig
the character made by me was rigged and grouped for linking as a proxy in some other file, following the great tutorial of master Mr.Nathan Vegdahl…
every thing went fine but while animating the character It was noticed that some bones were not present in the dope sheet and it is not possible to key frame any translations in such bones.
I’d placed all such control bones in one and the same layer from which I’m getting access to all other bones except these four bones related to shoulder…
I wonder what had went wrong…
can any one kindly help me to solve this…

thank you…

Is it the same as this problem?

No sir,

All the specific bones were not seen in the dope sheet even if all the bone layers are visible (and also that the said bones are not protected in the main blend file)
But I found a temporary solution that I duplicated the bones, checked off the deform box in bone data panel, and in pose mode, add constraint to copy rotation of the new bone by the old one…
the duplicated new bones are now visible in the dope sheet also ( the older one invisible was the deform bone - is it the reason? - i don’t know)

thank you for your kind response.