[Addon]Map via UV

For certain reasons, which are hard to explain I needed a way to deform a given mesh to match the surface of another mesh, while its internal topology is maintained. I found the best way for me to do this, is define the mapping via the overlap in UV. So here is the type of problem I faced

How to bring the right mesh into the form of the left mesh? Maybe, there is already a function for that but I found it easier to simply unwrap both meshes and define where the uv-area should overlap

So the uv-map of the right mesh is somewhere within the uv-map fo the left mesh. Then hit “Map via UV” and the result is

Here is the add-on. I hope it is useful for some of you.

bl_info = {
    "name": "Map via UV",
    "description": "Maps a mesh on the form of another mesh via UV-overlap",
    "author": "Martin Pyka",
    "version": (1, 0),
    "blender": (2, 70, 0),
    "location": "View3D > Add > Mesh",
    "warning": "", # used for warning icon and text in addons panel
    "wiki_url": "http://www.martinpyka.de",
    "category": "Mesh"}

import bpy
import mathutils

def main(context):
    for ob in context.scene.objects:

class MapUVOperator(bpy.types.Operator):
    bl_idname = "object.map_via_uv"
    bl_label = "Map via UV overlap"
    bl_description = "Maps a mesh on the form of another mesh via UV-overlap"

    def poll(cls, context):
        active_obj = context.active_object
        if active_obj is not None:
            return active_obj.type == "MESH"
            return False

    def execute(self, context):
        target_obj = context.active_object
        if (bpy.context.selected_objects.index(target_obj) == 0):
            origin_obj = bpy.context.selected_objects[1]
            origin_obj = bpy.context.selected_objects[0]

        map_via_uv(origin_obj, target_obj)

        return {'FINISHED'}

    def invoke(self, context, event):

        return self.execute(context)

def register():

def unregister():

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # test call
    # bpy.ops.object.simple_operator()

# TODO(SK): Quads into triangles (indices)
def map3dPointToUV(object, object_uv, point, normal=None):
    """Converts a given 3d-point into uv-coordinates,
    object for the 3d point and object_uv must have the same topology
    if normal is not None, the normal is used to detect the point on object, otherwise
    the closest_point_on_mesh operation is used

    # if normal is None, we don't worry about orthogonal projections
    if normal is None:
        # get point, normal and face of closest point to a given point
        p, n, f = object.closest_point_on_mesh(point)
        p, n, f = object.ray_cast(point + normal * config.ray_fac, point - normal * config.ray_fac)
        # if no collision could be detected, return None
        if f == -1:
            return None

    # get the uv-coordinate of the first triangle of the polygon
    A = object.data.vertices[object.data.polygons[f].vertices[0]].co
    B = object.data.vertices[object.data.polygons[f].vertices[1]].co
    C = object.data.vertices[object.data.polygons[f].vertices[2]].co

    # and the uv-coordinates of the first triangle
    uvs = [object_uv.data.uv_layers.active.data[li] for li in object_uv.data.polygons[f].loop_indices]
    U = uvs[0].uv.to_3d()
    V = uvs[1].uv.to_3d()
    W = uvs[2].uv.to_3d()

    # convert 3d-coordinates of point p to uv-coordinates
    p_uv = mathutils.geometry.barycentric_transform(p, A, B, C, U, V, W)

    # if the point is not within the first triangle, we have to repeat the calculation
    # for the second triangle
    if (mathutils.geometry.intersect_point_tri_2d(p_uv.to_2d(), uvs[0].uv, uvs[1].uv, uvs[2].uv) == 0) & (len(uvs)==4):
        A = object.data.vertices[object.data.polygons[f].vertices[0]].co
        B = object.data.vertices[object.data.polygons[f].vertices[2]].co
        C = object.data.vertices[object.data.polygons[f].vertices[3]].co

        U = uvs[0].uv.to_3d()
        V = uvs[2].uv.to_3d()
        W = uvs[3].uv.to_3d()

        p_uv = mathutils.geometry.barycentric_transform(p, A, B, C, U, V, W)

    return p_uv.to_2d()

# TODO(SK): Quads into triangles (indices)
def mapUVPointTo3d(object_uv, uv_list, cleanup=True):
    """ Converts a list of uv-points into 3d. This function is mostly
    used by interpolateUVTrackIn3D. Note, that therefore, not all points
    can and have to be converted to 3d points. The return list can therefore
    have less points than the uv-list. This cleanup can be deactivated
    by setting cleanup = False. Then, the return-list may contain
    some [] elements.

    uv_polygons = []

    points_3d = [[] for j in range(len(uv_list))]
    to_find = [i for i in range(len(uv_list))]

    for p in uv_polygons:
        uvs = [object_uv.data.uv_layers.active.data[li] for li in p.loop_indices]
        for i in to_find:
            result = mathutils.geometry.intersect_point_tri_2d(
            if (result != 0):
                U = uvs[0].uv.to_3d()   
                V = uvs[1].uv.to_3d()
                W = uvs[2].uv.to_3d()
                A = object_uv.data.vertices[p.vertices[0]].co
                B = object_uv.data.vertices[p.vertices[1]].co
                C = object_uv.data.vertices[p.vertices[2]].co
                points_3d[i] = mathutils.geometry.barycentric_transform(uv_list[i].to_3d(), U, V, W, A, B, C)
                result = mathutils.geometry.intersect_point_tri_2d(
                if (result != 0):
                    U = uvs[0].uv.to_3d()
                    V = uvs[2].uv.to_3d()
                    W = uvs[3].uv.to_3d()
                    A = object_uv.data.vertices[p.vertices[0]].co
                    B = object_uv.data.vertices[p.vertices[2]].co
                    C = object_uv.data.vertices[p.vertices[3]].co
                    points_3d[i] = mathutils.geometry.barycentric_transform(uv_list[i].to_3d(), U, V, W, A, B, C)
            if len(to_find) == 0:
                return points_3d

    for p in object_uv.data.polygons:
        uvs = [object_uv.data.uv_layers.active.data[li] for li in p.loop_indices]
        to_delete = []
        for i in to_find:
            result = mathutils.geometry.intersect_point_tri_2d(
            if (result != 0):
                U = uvs[0].uv.to_3d()
                V = uvs[1].uv.to_3d()
                W = uvs[2].uv.to_3d()
                A = object_uv.data.vertices[p.vertices[0]].co
                B = object_uv.data.vertices[p.vertices[1]].co
                C = object_uv.data.vertices[p.vertices[2]].co
                points_3d[i] = mathutils.geometry.barycentric_transform(uv_list[i].to_3d(), U, V, W, A, B, C)
                result = mathutils.geometry.intersect_point_tri_2d(
                if (result != 0):
                    U = uvs[0].uv.to_3d()
                    V = uvs[2].uv.to_3d()
                    W = uvs[3].uv.to_3d()
                    A = object_uv.data.vertices[p.vertices[0]].co
                    B = object_uv.data.vertices[p.vertices[2]].co
                    C = object_uv.data.vertices[p.vertices[3]].co
                    points_3d[i] = mathutils.geometry.barycentric_transform(uv_list[i].to_3d(), U, V, W, A, B, C)
            if len(to_find) == 0:
                return points_3d

        for d in to_delete:

    if cleanup:
        points_3d = [p for p in points_3d if p != []]

    return points_3d

def map_via_uv(origin, target):
    """ Maps a mesh on the surface of another mesh while preserving
    its topology. The mapping uses the uv-space
    origin          : mesh to map
    target          : mesh-form that is targeted
    if not origin.type == "MESH":
        raise Exception("Origin object is not a mesh")

    if not target.type == "MESH":
        raise Exception("Target object is not a mesh")
    o_2d = []

    for v in origin.data.vertices:
            map3dPointToUV(origin, origin, v.co)
    t_3d = mapUVPointTo3d(target, o_2d)
    if len(t_3d) != len(o_2d):
        raise Exception("One of the points is not in the UV-grid of the " + 
            "target object")
    for i in range(len(t_3d)):
        origin.data.vertices[i].co = t_3d[i]

I have problem:

do you have only quads in your mesh? I guess, this routine assumes that everything consists of quads.

Can these help you?

Found at this thread

It is kind of tricky to get it working. At least for me…

There are two mesh objects, which should be all quads.

Let’s call one the target mesh and the other the conforming mesh.

Have a 3D editor and a UV editor (aka image editor) panel / window open to do this. It is not clear the thread but the steps are:

  1. select the target mesh and enter edit

  2. unwrap the target mesh (like with smart UV or sphere unwrap)

  3. select, move or resize UV points until all are enclosed within the bounds of the background grid in the UV editor.

  4. select a region of UVs desired (target UVs)

  5. note where the UVs are and their size (IMPORTANT!)

  6. leave edit mode

  7. repeat steps 1 - 4 now for the conforming mesh

  8. with the UVs desired selected (conforming UVs), move and scale them to make sure they are within the desired region of UVs of the target mesh such that there is no overlap.

The conforming UVs should cover the same area or be completely within the bounds of the target UVs otherwise an error ‘One of the points is not in the UV-grid of the target object’ occurs.

Interestingly, if the conforming mesh is a tri mesh, and the target mesh a quad, the same error can occur if conforming UVs are enclosing target UVs

Otherwise, if the target mesh is a triangulated mesh, an error ‘list index out of range’ occurs. The target mesh should be a quad mesh.

  1. repeat step 5. All meshes should not be in edit mode

  2. select both conforming mesh and target mesh in that order

  3. press spacebar, select ‘search’, type in ‘map via uv overlap’ and click on the matching option

  4. Repeat step 11 to vary results

MultiEdit addon can be a big help
Ctrl-L is great too in the UV editor when selecting all UVs of a mesh from just one selected UV point!