BGE Actuator Interface Not Appearing

Hey all,

I am trying to write a quick custom actuator for the game engine, mainly as a way to become familiar with the code by following this tutorial:, and the followup part two. Everything compiles and seems to work fine (no crashing when attached to an object and the game is started). However, I cannot seem to get anything to appear for the interface. Also, when I ‘minimize’ the actuator, where it would normally say the actuator type (ie Action or Camera) is says Unknown.

This is my current function in blender/makesrna/intern/rna_actuator.c

void rna_def_vrpn_actuator(BlenderRNA *brna)
    StructRNA *srna;
    PropertyRNA *prop;

    srna = RNA_def_struct(brna, "VRPNActuator", "Actuator");
    RNA_def_struct_ui_text(srna, "VRPN Actuator", "Actuator to connect to VRPN server");
    RNA_def_struct_sdna_from(srna, "bVRPNActuator", "data");

    prop = RNA_def_property(srna, "server", PROP_STRING, PROP_NONE);
    RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "Server", "Optional, message subject (this is what can be filtered on)");
    RNA_def_property_update(prop, NC_LOGIC, NULL);

and it gets called in RNA_def_actuator()

here is my struct in blender/makesdna/DNA_actuator_types.h

typedef struct bVRPNActuator{
    int type;       /* 0=tracker, 1=button, 2=dial */
    char server[64];
} bVRPNActuator;

If anybody has any idea of what is wrong that would be awesome! I have a feeling it is just a simple piece of code missing somewhere. Thanks for your time!


Solved it… found the logic_window.c file… it is all clear now :slight_smile:

Figured it out… found the logic_window.c file… it is all so clear now :slight_smile:

Solved it… found the logic_window.c file… it all makes sense now :slight_smile: