rendered model present aspect not present in model.

A created a simple object w/a curve. Spun it (lathe) then xformed it to a mesh. Cleaned it up (had to dissolve lots of edges and vertices) now looks ok. but once rendered w/a subsurf mod. it looks terrible. I added restraining edges that helped a bit. but part of the model look horribly smushed and out of wack.
Any suggestions on how i could fix this please?


It looks like the effect of those two (G-shaped) n-gons.
Try to triangulate them (Ctrl T), or subdivide them manually by connecting the vertices in twos (hitting J).

Or attach the file here.


Grazie Paolo. Avevo paura che era quello.
Speravo che forse c’éra una maniera piu facile di risolvere quel modello, ma lo sovidiro manualmente.

Si, credo che unire i punti manualmente sia la cosa più facile, e soprattutto quella che fornisce il maggiore controllo sulla geometria.
(Yes, I think that connecting the dots by hand is the easiest way, and especially the one that provides greater control over the geometry.)


ha funzionato! It worked yey.
much better still needs a lot of extra tiny tweaks.

From what I can see I may just suggest the adding of some extra loops in that places showing some weird roundness, or in alternative, the use of Edge Creases.


yep. thaks Paolo already tweaked that.
What am trying to do next is reduce the fireflies.
and send smoke horizontally along the x-axis on it.

Glad you solved, good luck with fireflies and smoke, I cannot help, not an expert neither of cycles nor BI.

EDIT: about the smoke, perhaps you could try to set scene gravity to (X, 0, 0), just a thought.
