Export Question???

To keep it real simple, what are the steps involved in creating a model of the letter B, coloring it red, and exporting it as a Direct X model?

I’ve added text (letter B), extruded it, selected the material button and applied a red diffuse color. Selected File/Export and Direct X. Boxes checked are Export Meshes, Export Normals, Export UV Coordinates, Export Materials, Export Vertex Colors and Apply Modifiers. I get nothing???

There are lots of tutorials on creating neat scenes within Blender, but I find very little on exporting, and Direct X in particular. This will be at least my third inquiry to the Blender Forum regarding exporting, and that seems to be an issue that does not receive a response???

I’m attempting to export a more difficult logo (see here: http://jmp.sh/xFkYMSv), but I’ve first got to learn how to export a simple object! If someone would be so kind as to put me out of my misery - with either a link to a tutorial, or a clue as to what I’m not properly doing…it would really be appreciated!

I havent dealt with direct x model exports before… but i just loaded up a new blender with a default cube, enabled the addon and went file > export > direct x… set the filename and export… and it produced a file which looks like it contains the cube inside of it…

you could export out as obj and then try a obj > directx conversion? – http://daveremba.com/OBJ2DX_article/OBJ2DX_article.html

Thanks very much, doublebishop, for taking the time to respond…as well as the suggestion - I think you’re on to something!! When I saved as an OBJ, reopened and saved the OBJ as Direct X, the model functioned in another application properly. Same thing when I initially saved it as 3DS format, then reopened/saved that model as Direct X - worked great.

Does that suggest a flaw in the Direct X export tool within Blender??