3D Printing Thin Wall Detection Stat!

I am looking to hire a Blender Ninja to develop thin wall detection using Blender for me. The tool must be able to analyze models and create a report and color the polygons to highlight and color code the model wall thickness from safe to danger colors (red to green for example) and create a visual representation of the concern areas. Poly coloring with faces that change color and save the poly coloring.

The wall thickness must be able to accept input parameters for what constitutes thick and or thin and then use the input values as the baseline for the coloring and report if any area is too thin (as an example).

Excellent pay for the right person.



this is a question of unilateral environments, for starters the text format of gcode machines implements very little for the replicatorGs riprap and other 2d depositing 3d printers and as I suggest the binary format sent to the devices from makerbot software uses a binary representation of the same data, I wrote a script for importing/exporting both and it can be modified to examine the postprocessed by makerbot software binary as it will be sent to the 3d printer, but I have had no luck with importing exporting sketchup models which i understand plays a substantial role in the thingiverse database. since my focus is the reliability of the printing process this is a part of the process but my platform is to be the atmel controller of the old xbox controllers, although i wish to implement the same binary protocol for compatibility, please let me know your device architecture, environmment and controller ic for insight into implementing the driver. check my site I will post the script soon. I am working on making an instructable for the thingiverse import/export to 3d printer logic part. http://sites.google.com/site/abstractind

OK, I know that Blender 3D Printing Toolkit already can do some things in the python scripting and in the app. What it cannot do is do what I need developed.

I need a way to add a feature to the 3D printing toolkit or learn how to exploit a feature in it.

Let me repeat this: I already know about the toolkit, I need someone to improve it…We all know that someone out there has already improved it and isn’t sharing their work (ah hem) we won’t mention their name…so, I need someone able to work with Python and C to do what I need done. Small mods here and there but very useful.