Blender + iPi Soft collaboration = robust BVH export tailored for Blender ?

Been reading iPi Soft forums recently. Apparently there is no working BVH exporter in iPi Soft for Blender (or there is one that doesn’t really work). So people have to use 3DS MAX exporter to get working BVH file out of iPi Soft.

I am surprised that there is no interest from anyone to change this situation (specifically for BF providing support to iPi in order for exporter to be up-to-date and working) :confused:

Its not clear what your suggesting.

iPi has broken BVH support so Blender should support their files?

No, from what I understand there is a plugin to export into BVH for every 3D package. There is one for Blender too. I figured that BF could (on whatever terms BF finds it useful) make plugin that exports into BVH for Blender.

I’ll dig into the issue and see what kind of BVH for Blender iPi exports. I thought all BVH are the same.

This makes absolutely no sense to me. We have working BVH import/export.


BVH files should all be the same, but there are some quirks (rotation order for joints, order of joint definition…),

Still, applications should support these quirks if they have proper BVH support.

Odd, I’ll see what I can dig up.

That is not exactly a convenient solution, but there is

Dear OP, you need to read this at :

Blender iPi Mocap Studio can export animations in Blender-friendly BVH format. For latest versions of Blender, you can use the MotionBuilder-compatible BVH export option. For Blender version 2.59 or older you can use the Blender 2.59 or older export option.

So does the .bhv load fine in MotionBuilder / MAX but not in Blender or what? Did you uses “Motion Builder compatible BVH export option?”.
