Depsgraph refactor

How along is this, and when it will be included in trunk in full? Am I wrong in thinking this may finally solve the eval problems for modifiers? I mean they update on almost anything making them totally unusable for anything mildly complex. The modifiers don’t even check for input/parameter changes and recalculate fully on frame change (AFAIK).

Lukas Tonne has been overhauling the depsgraph code for the better part of this week, so the half that doesn’t involve making it multithreaded (as that it complete) is now underway.

Don’t expect to see any benefits in master right now though, it’s all being done in a separate branch.

If someone gives you the blender version or date, they’re lying. It’ll be ready when it’s ready

This has been killing me for anything motion graphics based. I had to scrap two already started projects in Blender, since it grinds to a halt as soon as there are a few modifiers on multiple objects. And no way to cache objects with changing point order. I hope this gets sorted out ASAP, and yes I know how big a project it is :).

Would the depsgraph improvements make responsive motion trail editing in the viewport possible for armatures?