Hide back part of the object in front view

Currently I am modeling an Audi R8 in Blender 2.70. When I am modeling in the front viewport, the back part of the car is visible in the front view. see the following image:

i have not been able to find any solution to this problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hide the back part of the mesh or use hidden wire option

  • Hiding: Select the back portion and press H to hide. Alt+H to unhide.
  • Hidden wire option is in properties panel (N) -> shading, in edit mode.

hey, thanks for your reply. The first solution worked but I could not find the ‘hidden wire’ option in the properties panel. Can u plz upload a screenshot to explain it?

Put the viewport in solid shading mode, should be there

Hey thank you so much. I found it. This did not solve the problem but ‘Hiding the back part of the mesh’ worked for me.
Thanks so much for your help.