Uncle Don

This is my late Uncle Don as I remember him. I did not use any photo reference except for the ear of course. I did this sculpt in about 2 hours. I used Dynamic Topology and the model has 450k faces so it is not good for too much. I may sculpt body and retopo but I am not too sure about that. Seeing as how the model has so much geometry I dod not texture it. If there is an easy way to add textures to a sculpt without retopo I would like to know. Anyway, this is my first post here in a long time. Comments are always appreciated.

I don’t know why nobody commented on this post. Actually I don’t know your uncle, but to me he looks quite realistic. :slight_smile: But back to your question… If you are a citizen you could watch this tutorial: http://cgcookie.com/blender/2014/01/28/tip-texturing-blended-box-mapping/. You could also use shrinkwrap modifier in conjunction with a subdived head mesh probably imported from makehuman or created by yourself. This will probably cause problems with your ears. Speaking generally the most easiest solution will be zremesher of zbrush or doing the retopo by hand. I hope that helps. :slight_smile:

That does help. I am going to check out that Blended Box Mapping. I am not a citizen but I should probably become one. If that fails then it is retopo the long way. Which is fine if you have some time to kill. Thanks for the reply.

I noticed your comments was old but I would like to see your update on it sculpt body and retopo! By the way, it looks so good to be realistic.

I was not going to do a retopo but perhaps I should. I will repost when I do. Thanks.