Few objects tracking

Is it possible to track more than one object at the same time on the one movie?

You can track objects one by one but not at the same time.

You can set as many trackers as you want, select them all (press a) and track them simultaneusly.

I thought he meant objects, not points.

Yeah, I menat objects, not points

Anyway, why would you want to track more than one object at once?

I wanted to make battle with lightsabers (I wanted to fight with my friend, and than change our swords to lightsabers)

Ok, but i still don’t get why would you want to track both swords at the same time (:
To be honest, object tracking is not the best way to do this.

Do you know any better ways to do this? Can you tell me please?

Take a look at this video It might give you an idea of the workflow

This object is very large, so that you can actually reconstruct the object transformations in 3d. But you will have to paint out all the markers. For a lightsaber, it is probably enough to do a two point track without solving the camera or the objects. Just track the grip and the tip you are using as a prop in the shot. Than link the tracks to empties. These empties will end up somewhere. In your 3d view, such looking through the camera, they are in the correct place. Than, you simply use this empties as hooks to deform a simple cylinder.

Thanks guys :slight_smile:

But a simple deform won’t give sensible motion blur, which is a real selling point for lightsabre effects.

Why not? Cycles has deformation motion blur now right?