Increase the size of Rotation Gizmo's center circle?

Hello all,

Long-time Maya-user slowly learning Blender (and enjoying it for the most part so far!). I know there are a lot of ways to manipulate objects in Blender, but one habit I’m having a hard time kicking from animating in Maya is using the free rotation where you can click anywhere inside the rotate gizmo and rotate on all 3 axis.

It seems like I can get kind of close to this behavior in Blender (I’m using a Maya-style interaction configuration), by increasing the Hotspot size of the Manipulator in my settings, but I was wondering if there is anyway to increase the small white circle that allows for free manipulation on all 3 axis?

Only by increasing the size of the whole widget

That’ll do for now, thanks :slight_smile:

Or hit R (rotation) hotkey twice. The alternate hotkeyed free rotation mode seems better than the regular one half the time. Just remember to position your mouse where you want to yank it from before you start.