Testing Cycles Fire Beta - finally getting decent fire in blender!

T4D and Fume FX are leagues beyond blender’s fire sim, but I couldn’t wait to give the new build a try.
This is a very positive indication that the blender fire sim may end up being useful for realistic fireball creation.


Phenom 1100T 3.3GHz x6
1000 samples
Gaussian 2.00 pixel width (probably didn’t need to change)

No clamp.

.10 step size (more is deeper light penetration, less is shallower light penetration)
256 max steps. (more is smoother, less = sharper contrast)

96 divisions
2.432 Vorticity
3 High Rez Divisions
Wavelet 2.00 Noise

The main trick:
256E point Light behind smoke, 1024E Light inside smoke (that’s why it looks cool! Self illumination wasn’t good enough)

Smoke Shader:
built much like the tutorial on blender nation.

Except that I amped up the fire past 1 brightness.
fire includes a FBM mixed with a fire gradient to fake more detail. (You’d animate this in an actual render)

I’m really looking forward to blasting through these on my GPU!

Wow, that looks great!