Wireframe modifier: Create cuboid from edges

I created some beams for my dome as edges and I am trying to convert them to cuboid-like meshes. It looks more or less like this:

I used a wireframe modifier to achieve the above result:

The only problem is that this does not create cuboids but triangles which are not closed on the outer side:

I read about the “Solidify wireframe” tool but it does not seem to be what I want (and perhaps outdated). How would you - geniuses of blender - solve this? Do I have to remodel it with solids?

Add UV sphere or whatever solid object you want to start with
Select all faces and inset (I). Set to individual faces with whatever inset thickness you want, set depth to zero and deselect ‘Select Outer’
Delete the inner faces
Add a solidifier modifier with the thickness you want

Man, glad I had you. Guess this solution should have been obvious, but I am still trying to get used to all the blender utilities. Thank you very much!